Heart of Talundia


In the heart of a valley, where the sunlight lays,
Lies a homestead named Talundia, where the chickens play.
With sheep in the pasture, and a garden so grand,
Fruits and veggies grow plenty, in this fertile land.

Oh, Talundia, where the creek gently flows,
Through meadows of flowers, where the wild wind blows.
With neighbors so friendly, in this haven we stay,
In Talundia's valley, where we live and we play.

By the forest so deep, where the tall trees stand,
We gather 'round bonfires, hand in hand.
The creek sings a song, as it winds through the glade,
In Talundia's peace, where our worries fade.

Oh, Talundia, where the creek gently flows,
Through meadows of flowers, where the wild wind blows.
With neighbors so friendly, in this haven we stay,
In Talundia's valley, where we live and we play.

When the harvest is in, and the work’s done for the day,
We gather together, in the old-fashioned way.
With laughter and music, we celebrate life,
In Talundia's valley, away from all strife.

Oh, Talundia, where the creek gently flows,
Through meadows of flowers, where the wild wind blows.
With neighbors so friendly, in this haven we stay,
In Talundia's valley, where we live and we play.

So here’s to the homestead, in the valley so green,
Where the days are bright, and the nights serene.
In Talundia's arms, we find our way,
In the heart of the valley, we’ll forever stay.