Happy Talundia

Happy Talundia 1

Happy Talundia 2


In the heart of the mountains, where the sun gently beams,
Lies a place full of wonder, straight out of dreams,
Talundia, oh Talundia, where the meadows are lush,
Where the earth is so fertile, every seed feels the rush.

Talundia, Talundia, land of plenty and cheer,
With your trees full of fruit and your waters so clear,
In your valleys we find peace, in your hills we find grace,
Talundia, oh Talundia, you're our favorite place.

The gardens grow vegetables, rich and so grand,
Fed by the soil of this bountiful land,
Orchards of apples, cherries, and pears,
Branches heavy with gifts, enough for all to share.

Talundia, Talundia, land of plenty and cheer,
With your trees full of fruit and your waters so clear,
In your valleys we find peace, in your hills we find grace,
Talundia, oh Talundia, you're our favorite place.

Happy animals roam, butterflies fill the air,
A creek winds through the landscape, without a care,
People here are friendly, their hearts full of song,
In Talundia, we've found where we truly belong.

The children are laughing, the elders are wise,
Underneath a sky of the bluest of skies,
Talundia, oh Talundia, a paradise on earth,
A place of love and kindness, of joy and rebirth.

Talundia, Talundia, land of plenty and cheer,
With your trees full of fruit and your waters so clear,
In your valleys we find peace, in your hills we find grace,
Talundia, oh Talundia, you're our favorite place.

So here's to Talundia, with a heart full of praise,
We'll sing of your beauty for all of our days,
Talundia, oh Talundia, forever you'll be,
The sweetest of havens, our home by the sea.